Attāluma un kustības sensori

ArduinoSensori – Attāluma, kustības, škēršļu un sekošanas sensori

Ultraskaņas attāluma sensori HC-SR04 / HY-SRF05
Spriegums: 5V(DC).
Strāvas stiprums gaidot: mazāk kā 2mA, darbojoties: līdz 40mA.
Kontakti: 1.VCC 5V, 2.trig(T) ieeja, 3.echo(R) izeja, 4.GND.
Ieejas (trigger) signāls: vismaz 10us (high) TTL impulse
Izejas (echo) signāls: Electric frequency output TTL PWL signal – high 5V, low 0V.
Sensora leņķis: līdz 15 grādiem.
Mērīšanas attālums: 2cm-450cm, precizitāte līdz 3mm (HY-SRF05 līdz 2mm).
Kad ieeja (trigger) saņem high impulsu, modulis automātiski sūta astoņus 40kHz kvadrātviļņus un, kad uztver tos, dod izejā (echo) high. Attālumu nosaka pēc ultraskaņas pavadītā ilguma ceļā.
Attālums = (Laiks * Skaņas ātrums(340m/s) / 2
Modulim ir jābūt savienotam pirms pieslēgšanas strāvai, lai nerastos kļūdas.
!! Neslēdziet Echo(5V) izeju tieši pie Raspberry Pi 3.3V pin, vajadzīga sprieguma samazināšana (voltage divider)!

HC-SR501 Infrasarkanās gaismas kustības sensora modulis
Darba spriegums: DC 4.5-20V
Pastāvīgais strāvas stiprums: <50uA
Izejas spriegums: High 3.3 V / Low 0V
Trigger mode: L unrepeatable trigger /H repeated trigger (Default Repeating trigger)
Delay time: 0.5-200S (adjustable) can be produced range 0.1 seconds – a few minutes
Blocking time: 2.5S (the default) can be produced range 0.1 seconds, tens of seconds
Plates izmērs: 32mm*24mm
Induction angle: <100 degree cone angle
Darba temperatūra: -15-+70 degrees
Lēcas diametrs: 23mm

KY-032 Šķēršļu izvairīšanās infrasarkanā sensora modulis
IR Obstacle avoidance sensor module
Spriegums: DC 3.3V-5V
Strāvas stiprums: ≥ 20mA
Darba temperatūra: -10 ℃ – +50 ℃
Mērīšanas attālums: 2-40cm
IO Interface: 4-wire interfaces (- / + / S / EN)
Output signal: TTL level (low level there is an obstacle, no obstacle high)
Adjustment: adjust multi-turn resistance
Effective angle: 35 °
Weight: 9g, size: 28mm × 23mm.
Infrared obstacle avoidance sensor is designed for the design of a wheeled robot obstacle avoidance sensor distance adjustable. This ambient light sensor Adaptable, high precision, having a pair of infrared transmitter and receiver, transmitter tubes emit a certain frequency of infrared, When detecting the direction of an obstacle (reflector), the infrared receiver tube receiver is reflected back, when the indicator is lit, Through the circuit, the signal output interface output digital signal that can be detected by means of potentiometer knob to adjust the distance, the effective distance From 2 ~ 40cm, working voltage of 3.3V-5V, operating oltage range as broad, relatively large fluctuations in the power supply voltage of the situation Stable condition and still work for a variety of microcontrollers, Arduino controller, BS2 controller, attached to the robot that
Can sense changes in their surroundings.

KY-033 Līnijas sekošanas modulis
Hunt sensor (line tracking) module

Piegāde ar Latvijas pastu vai pakomātu (Omniva, DPD, PastaStacija) – 3.00€

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